Budget & Procurement



The aim of the Programme is to render the overall management and administration support to the Department.

Strategic Objectives:

  • Implementation of the political strategic direction of the Free State Department of Health.
  • Implementation of an integrated strategic planning and reporting framework in line with PFMA and prescripts.
  • Implementation of a comprehensive Human Resources Plan for the Department.
  • Improve information communication technology systems.
  • Improve Health Technology
  • Ensure compliance with the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulations.
  • Implementation of cost effective procurement process.
  • Comply with BBBEE and PPPFA policies and FSPP and promote local and South African products.
  • Strengthening Supply Chain Management (SCM) in line with policy prescripts.
  • Improve asset management by establishing a comprehensive Asset Register.
  • Improve Transport and Fleet Management.
  • Improved Service Level for the Medical Depot.
  • Ensure compliance of pharmacy facilities in line with legislation to enhance service delivery.



The aim of District Health Services is to provide level 1 service at the Primary Health Care, Clinics and the Districts Hospitals.

Strategic Objectives

District Management

  • Ensure functional governance structures at all level 1 facilities
  • Extend the scope of the NGO’s beyond the specific programmes beyond HIV AIDS and TB Programmes.
  • Ensure implementation of Batho Pele Revitalization program.
  • Measure public and private health facilities performance against national core standards.
  • Intensify health promotion programs.
  • Enhance the implementation of school health services.
  • Strengthen “National 18 Priority District Project” at Thabo Mofutsanyana, i.e. Maluti-a-Phofung Sub-District.
  • Improve accessibility of services at Primary Health Care facilities and District hospitals.
  • Strengthen Rural Health Services.
  • Improve patient care & satisfaction.
  • Strengthen the implementation of the District Health System policy.
  • Strengthen Rural Health Strategy.
  • Provide appropriate and accessible health care services at Clinics for designated catchment population.

District Hospitals

  • Improve accessibility of services at Primary Health Care facilities and District hospitals.
  • Provide appropriate and accessible District hospital services to FS community.


  • Improve TB treatment outcomes
  • Reduce the incidence of drug resistant TB.
  • Reduce the incidence of HIV infection
  • Expand access to ART for people living with HIV and AIDS.
  • Comprehensive Care, Management and Treatment Plan for HIV and AIDS (CCMT).

Nutrition (includes Maternal, Child and Women’s Health)

  • Reduce infant and under-5 child morbidity and mortality.
  • Reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.
  • Improve access to Termination of Pregnancy (TOP) services.

Non Communicable Diseases

  • Early detection and rapid response to disease outbreaks to reduce morbidity and mortality.
  • Strengthen surveillance on priority communicable disease.



The aim of this programme is to provide emergency medical rescue and transport services to all patients in the Free State Province within the shortest possible time.

Strategic Objectives

  • Provide an efficient pre-hospital and inter-hospital patient transport service.
  • Provide an efficient preparedness and response plan to disaster in the Free State province.
  • Provision of effective EMS communications Centres.
  • Provide an efficient pre-hospital and inter-hospital patient transport service.



The purpose of Provincial Hospital Services is to provide level 2 Hospital Services or Specialist Hospital Services. In the Free State, the level 2 services are provided in 5 Regional Hospitals and 1 Psychiatric Hospital.

Strategic Objectives

  • Align the Hospital Boards and Mental Health Review Boards with Mental Health Care Act and National Health Act.
  • Filling of vacant Executive Management posts with appropriately qualified personnel.
  • Support the provision of Financial, Human Resource and Supply Chain Management delegations to hospital CEOs.
  • Ensure adherence to service level agreements with strategic partners.
  • Ensure provision of a full package of Regional Hospital services and Comprehensive Psychiatric services.
  • Achieve efficiency targets as per hospital (QRS)
  • Provide outreach services to lower levels of care.
  • Implement quality management programme, Batho Pele and Patient Rights Charter.
  • Provide appropriate equipment.
  • Ensure good hygienic standards in hospitals.
  • Implement the Infection prevention and control programme per hospital.
  • Ensure waiting times are according to national core standards.
  • Ensure that patients are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Improve patient safety.
  • Improve availability of medication and medical consumables.
  • Implement strategies of integration of management of TB and HIV and AIDS in hospital.
  • Implement HCT in hospitals, including voluntary testing.
  • Conduct Health Promotion activities in hospitals.
  • Implement Skill Mix Nursing Model.
  • Filling of critical posts.
  • Provide a service delivery model for regional hospital aligned to STP (Service Transformation Plan).
  • Implement quality improvement programmes to support the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI).
  • Coordinate research conducted in Hospitals



The aim of Programme 5 is to manage, monitor, organise and render Level III and IV tertiary services in the Free Sate as well as training, education, research, service and service delivery of the Medical School and other schools in the faculty.


The purpose of Programme 5 is to provide tertiary services to the central population of South Africa, including Lesotho. The additional population to be added for tertiary care is at least 50% of Lesotho population (1 million people) and around 20% of the population of the Northern Cape (200,000) and 270,000 from the Eastern Cape, thus bringing the catchment population to 4, 37 million people.

Strategic Objectives

  • Strengthen Collaboration with FHS: UFS and FHS: CUT and FSSoN, 3MIL and private training institutions to increase output of health professionals in areas of critical skills shortage.
  • Ensure implementation of Batho Pele Program at UAH.
  • Implement Clinical Governance Programme.
  • Improve Patient Safety.
  • Maintain Service Quality Standards of UAH.
  • Implement Quality Improvement Plans for all departments at UAH.
  • Reduce backlogs of tertiary service package to be rendered by the UAH.
  • Annual upgrading/ replacement of UAH equipment.
  • Development and Implementation of Professional Skills Mix Model (PSMM).
  • Strengthen outreach to regional hospitals.
  • Implement Telemedicine between UAH and regional hospitals.



The Programme is primarily responsible to provide training as well as promoting research and development of health systems.

Strategic Objectives

  • Increase the supply of nurses.
  • Train different categories of employees.
  • Promote employability and sustainable livelihood through skills development.



The aim of the Programme is to render support services required by the Department to fulfil its aims.

Strategic Objectives

  • Provide appropriate and accessible Orthotic and Prosthetic Services to the Free State community.
  • Improve management of laundry services.



The Health Facility Management (infrastructure management) programme is mainly responsible for:

  • Planning of infrastructure projects;
  • Monitoring and support the project implementation;
  • Assisting health institutions with technical advice and support for physical infrastructure needs;
  • Advising the executive management on infrastructure priorities annually.
  • Facility maintenance

Strategic Objectives

  • Improve maintenance and upgrading of health facilities.
  • Develop and Implement Infrastructure Master Plan.