Profile of Free State MEC for Health


Mr. Monyatso Mahlatsi (MEC)

A self-driven and highly motivated individual who works well within a context of a family. He firmly believes in building lasting relationships with the team members, clients, and stakeholders. He regards the three as a permanent feature that enables the organization to meet its goals whilst remaining sustainable into the foreseeable future. He believes in creating an environment where the team members with family values of inseparable bonds can perform their functions. He is a creative leader who believes in empowering the family team that he works with, so that they can function optimally within their levels. He believes that a team will function better if each member performs their duties as expected and seek assistance where necessary.

He is a former Provincial Secretary of Cosatu from 2014 until his highly esteemed appointment as an MEC for Health after the 29 May 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

The highly challenging position of the MEC for Health comes at an exciting time in the history of South Africa with the advent of the 7th Administration that must oversee the implementation of the Universal Health Coverage through the chosen path of National Health Insurance. The National Health Insurance is billed as an equaliser of national aspirations and unfettered access to health care services without the barrier of affordability.

The mandate of Health is to see to it that every citizen lives fully up to their God given potential. The role of Government is to ensure that everyone lives a “Long and Healthy Life”.

MEC Mahlatsi is geared to ensure that the Department of Health lives up to its Constitutional obligations by ensuring that the World Health Organization building blocks for health care serves as the foundation of our work. These are quality priorities for fast-tracking improvement of health care have been identified, amongst others as:
*Ensuring safety and security,
*Reducing long waiting times,
*Ensuring drug availability,
*Elevating positive nursing attitude and values of staff generally,
*infection prevention and control,
*provision of good infrastructure and alignment to modern changing technologies
*Availability of Budgets

The Free State MEC for Health, Mr. Monyatso Mahlatsi is here and is up to the task

For enquiries, please contact the Head of Communications, Mr. Mondli Mvambi, 082 043 3744 and / or the Media Liaison Officer, Mr. Magentz Sebego, 068 097 0634